I am not talking about your family relationships, although those are hugely important. I am talking about everything else.
Maybe the world goes 'round based on strong relationships. You will get your next job based on someone you know. You will win a contract based, in part, on good relationships. You will sell your next widget based on who you know. Your direct report will cut you slack next time you mess up based on your good relationship and your boss will intervene on your behalf for the same reason.
Taking care of relationships is something our friends from Asian cultures already know. Those of us from western cultures value getting things done over relationships. If you have to be a little mean to someone because they are slow with a deadline that is A-OK. Deadlines rule. If you have to write an email while you are
What relationships do you need to strengthen for professional and personal reasons? Pick three and place them first on your list of things to do this week. Notice what shifts because you did.
Hi Lynne, I love the conversation you have started here. I am reminded of the interview I saw on 60 minutes this past Sunday. The team of 4 people who ran Barack Obama's campaign talked about how they had accomplished his being elected. They told the story of a well oiled machine that was based on respect and loving team work. They made it perfectly clear that this had not been their idea. It had come from the top down. Barack had insisted on this from his team. It was his Leadership that paved the way for not only his success but for the way he succeeded. I think that is true leadership. So in a way his whole success was based on creating leadership for loving relationships. Pretty cool I think. I think you are on to something and now is the perfect time to let the world know about it. Kat Knecht
I love that story. Thank you for bringing it tomy attention.
And the other thing you are touching on is that the leader set the standard for performance and expected his people to met it. That is leadership. How do you want people to behave with it other and then tell them what you expect and tell them when they are missing the mark. Too often I see people in leadership position seem to think that this one aspect is somehow outside their purview.
So his setting the bar high for how people were with each other created his success. Wow. I am going to have to follow that thread.
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