Friday, November 7, 2008

Leadership in Action and Tuesday's Elections

I wonder how many people told Obama not to even give the presidential election a run because a African American would never get elected?  Bet is was a lot.  And he did it anyway.  That is one component of leadership I would like to see more of out here amongst ourselves.  That we see what may be possible and we got forth no matter what.  

No matter what means just that.  No matter what. No matter is the majority think that no way no how is this going to happen.  It means stepping up to follow your vision, with fear in your throat, but conviction in your heart.

Miki Saxon, blogger at Leadership Turn , writes that leadership skills should be taught to everyone.  Not just to positional leaders.  I could not agree more. 

The way I am thinking about it at the moment, we are always choosing one of two things: step up to being a leader or choosing to abdicate our leadership.  Think about it.  If you see an injustice or unethical situation happening in your office and you decide to do nothing about it, which are you choosing.  Leadership or Abdication?  If you think that your boss ought to be the one handling it, not you, which are you choosing? Leadership or Abdication?

Leadership is everyone.  President-elect Obama just showed us how.


Anonymous said...

Hi Lynne, Not only should they be taught to all, we need to find another term for the-person-in-front instead of leader. Leadership terminology itself is in want of an overhaul, but it won't happen in my lifetime:)

Thanks for stopping by Leadership Turn.

Lynne Gilliland Garber said...


I am not sure that leadership is a special category as much as a way of being that we all need to include in our proverbial toolbox of living. And that said, your thinking that we need to overhaul the terminology makes me think that we need a whole new word to use instead of leadership.

Anonymous said...

I agree, Lynne, but the skills still need to be taught. After all, most of the tools are learned as opposed to being born with them.

I wish you luck on the semantics overhaul. You'll need all you can get to convince the leadership industry and the media:)